After Sales
Co-Founder & CEO
PD & Construction
Portugal Homes - photo of Mariana Vieira member of Portugal property crew

Mariana Vieira

Aftersales Director

Mariana pasó su infancia en Bruselas y crecer allí le permitió encontrarse con amigos de toda Europa. Independientemente de los antecedentes o la cultura, ella siempre ha podido establecer buenas relaciones, hacer florecer buenas asociaciones, conocer y cuidar los mejores intereses de las personas. Como directora de posventa de Harland & Poston Group, Mariana gestiona un equipo de personas creativas y altamente profesionales, que dominan muchos idiomas que se aseguran de que se satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros clientes en el extranjero, ofreciendo un servicio que supera cualquier otro que Lisboa tiene para ofrecer cuando se trata de cuidar sus inversiones.


Meet The Spanish Homes Team

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Co-Founder & CEO

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Regional Manager - Spain

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Operations Director

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Business Development Director

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Aftersales Director

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Head of Digital Marketing & Communications

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor Supervisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Investment Team Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Regional Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Real Estate Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Senior Investment Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Office Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Administrative Support

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Investment Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Senior Investment Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Office Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Administrative Support

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Real Estate Specialist

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Real Estate Specialist

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Property Advisor

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Senior Civil Engineer

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Content Manager

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

SEO Executive

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Aftersales - Property Management

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

After-Sales - Operations

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Project Development & Construction Assistant

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

After Sales - Operations

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Digital Marketing & Data Analyst

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

Junior SEO and Developer

Portugal Homes - member of Portugal property crew

After Sales